SQL Server Veritanı boyutu öğrenme

-- Transact-SQL script to analyse the database size growth using backup history.
DECLARE @endDate datetime, @months smallint;
SET @endDate = GetDate();  -- Include in the statistic all backups from today
SET @months = 6 ;           -- back to the last 6 months.
   (SELECT BS. database_name AS DatabaseName
          ,YEAR( BS.backup_start_date ) * 100
           + MONTH (BS. backup_start_date) AS YearMonth
          ,CONVERT( numeric(10 , 1), MIN( BF.file_size / 1048576.0 )) AS MinSizeMB
          ,CONVERT( numeric(10 , 1), MAX( BF.file_size / 1048576.0 )) AS MaxSizeMB
          ,CONVERT( numeric(10 , 1), AVG( BF.file_size / 1048576.0 )) AS AvgSizeMB
    FROM msdb.dbo .backupset as BS
         INNER JOIN
         msdb.dbo .backupfile AS BF
             ON BS .backup_set_id = BF .backup_set_id
    WHERE NOT BS .database_name IN
              ('master', 'msdb', 'model', 'tempdb')
          AND BF .file_type = 'D'
          AND BS .backup_start_date BETWEEN DATEADD (mm, - @months, @endDate) AND @endDate
    GROUP BY BS .database_name
            ,YEAR( BS.backup_start_date )
            ,MONTH( BS.backup_start_date ))
SELECT MAIN .DatabaseName
      ,MAIN. YearMonth
      ,MAIN. MinSizeMB
      ,MAIN. MaxSizeMB
      ,MAIN. AvgSizeMB
      ,MAIN. AvgSizeMB 
       - ( SELECT TOP 1 SUB. AvgSizeMB
          FROM HIST AS SUB
          WHERE SUB .DatabaseName = MAIN .DatabaseName
                AND SUB .YearMonth < MAIN .YearMonth
          ORDER BY SUB. YearMonth DESC ) AS GrowthMB
where MAIN .DatabaseName = 'sl471251_'
ORDER BY MAIN. DatabaseName
        ,MAIN. YearMonth

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